Q. How can we choose the best version of Salajeet in the market?
A. For the best version of SALAJEET, choose Himalayan (Baltistan's) Salajeet, which contains over 60% concentration of Fulvic Acid plus some useful herbs like Withania Somnifera, Meadow Saffron and Tribulus Terrestris.
Q. What is the home of Salajeet?
A. Salajeet may be found in the ancient mountain ranges in Pakistan, China, India, Nepal, Central Asia and the Pollok Range of Australia, but Himalaya is said to be the home of Salajeet. World’s best Salajeet is found in Gilgit, Baltistan and Sakardu areas of Pakistan.
Q. Why Himalayan Salajeet is considered best in world?A.Rich plant life from prehistoric times can be found in the Himalayan region on the borders of Pakistan Central Asia, Tibet, India and China. Rich green vegetation resulted from the minerals and nutrients absorbed from the soil. Hundreds and thousands of years were added to the lives of the plants and the trees due to the soil and climate conditions. When the plants and trees finally died, they were absorbed by the soil and converted into a mineral pitch called Salajeet. That is why it contain a high concentration of Fulvic Acid.
Q. How Himalayan Salajeet is processed for human ingestion?
A. We at Himalayan Herbal Pharma process the SALAJEET using a patented method of freeze drying and reverse osmosis.
Q. Is there any religious importance of Salajeet?
A. Though the medicines have no religious boundaries, Salajeet has got a respect in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Q. Why is Salajeet respected in Hinduism and Buddhism?
A. King Chandra Varma is believed to be immortal and highly respected by the inhabitants of India and was the first to ingest SALAJEET. King Chandra Varma ruled most of Northern India for most of his youth and protected the huge empire, waged war and governed its people. He was over 60 years old when stability and peace finally rewarded his efforts. Now it was time to relax and enjoy his remaining days. Though he was a powerful and wealthy man, his strength and stamina were gone and he was not well enough to enjoy the pleasures for which he had worked so hard. He went on sabbatical to the mountains of the Himalayas to pray to the highest of the Hindu Gods, Lord Shiva, who is considered the founder of Yoga. As a result of hearing and answering his prayers, Lord Shiva was pleased and offered him nourishment from his body. King Chandra Yarma’s youthfulness and health returned to him. That nourishment was SALAJEET and is the reason it is found predominantly in the mountains of the Himalayas. It is believed that one of King Chandra Varma’s descendants was Lord Buddha who in fact came from a royal family.
Q. What does word Salajeet mean?
A. The meaning of SALAJEET translated literally from Sanskrit is “Rock-Like” or the ability of SALAJEET to keep our bodies from aging and making our bodies like rocks.
Q. What medical science says about Salajeet?
A. Clinical analysis of Salajeet shows that it contains 85 minerals essential for human body Fulvic Acid.
Q. How Salajeet rejuvenates in old age when functions of inner organs are minimized?
A. Salajeet rejuvenates the actual function of human cells i.e. energy metabolism this changes the old human body into a young one. Our internal organs have been working constantly since our conception. The cells of our internal organs wear out and decay from constant use. The most important key to the cell’s survival is its electrical potency. A direct result of aging is the weakness and quality of the cells in the body from reduced electrical potency. When the electrical charge of the cells reach zero, the cells protective boundaries or electrons disappear, killing the cell. The metabolism of energy decreases in conjunction with the potency of the electron surrounding the cell. Our cells convert mass to energy using the reaction of biology inside the protoplasm and mitochondria of our bodies.
Q. Is Salajeet specified for the Old Men only?
A. No it can be used to secure children even. Be you 28 or 82 Salajeet will accelerate the inner organs function on its natural way.
Q. How is Salajeet beneficial for women?
A. Women who are using Salajeet are slim and smart. It is most beneficial for the women diseases.
Q. Why should we prefer Salajeet while there are many multi mineral and multi vitamin supliments available in market?
A. To reply this question we will quote the excerpts from United States Patent Number: 5,405,613
“The present inventor has found that SALAJEET over and above its nutritional and herbal content has novel energetic properties. Measurement of subtle energy changes indicate that SALAJEET has a vibratory field that is substantially stronger than any vitamin, mineral, food substance or herb. The present inventor has also surprisingly found that when a small amount of SALAJEET is added to a vitamin or mineral preparation, the energetic properties of the vitamin or mineral preparation, the energetic properties of the vitamin or mineral preparation are enhanced.”
“The present inventor has found that SALAJEET over and above its nutritional and herbal content has novel energetic properties. Measurement of subtle energy changes indicate that SALAJEET has a vibratory field that is substantially stronger than any vitamin, mineral, food substance or herb. The present inventor has also surprisingly found that when a small amount of SALAJEET is added to a vitamin or mineral preparation, the energetic properties of the vitamin or mineral preparation, the energetic properties of the vitamin or mineral preparation are enhanced.”
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